Online Live Dog
Free Style Competitions with Certifications

The Virtual World Grooming Competition Classes for Free Style Trims on pure breeds and mixed breeds with all coat types is perfect for the beginner to the most advanced.
Competitors time to show off your creativity and talent! Create sweet and sassy, beautiful and exotic free style trims on dogs with all coat types!
Compete in classes for drop coats to Nordic coats to the extreme free style trims on the curly coat types. Achieve the ultimate expression and trim to win titles for the best canine styling specialists in the show in free style trims.
The Best in Show are finalists for Best Free Style Canine Stylists in All Coat Types in the World!
The competitions are conducted by IJA four times a year. The finalists from the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter Sessions are calculated for The Best in the World in Free Style Trims at the IJA Virtual World Grooming Competition Top Dog Awards in December.
There are four coat type Free Style classes plus classes for Poodle trims styles.
Free Style Trims in the Multitude of Coat Type Class
Free Style Trims in the Curly Coat Type Class
Free Style Trims in the Wire Coat Type Class
Free Style Trims in the Sporting Coat Type Class
Free Style Trims on Poodles

Individual Entry

The Best Canine Stylist in Show in Free Style Trims
*The competitor with the Best Groomed and Styled Dog in Show.
*Finalists for Best in Show are Finalists for Best Canine Stylists in the World in Free Style Trim Styles.
The individual competitor can compete in one or all classes to win Best in Class to win Best in Show.
The individual competitor may submit more than one entry in a class to achieve Best in Show!
The Best All-Around Canine Stylist in Show in Free Style Trim Styles
* The competitor with the highest placements wins Best All Around!
* Finalists for Best in Show are Finalists for Best All-Around Canine Stylists in the World in Free Style Trim Styles!
To be eligible for Best in Show, the individual competitor must compete in the four Free Style Classes and two Free Style - Poodle Classes.
The individual competitor may submit more than one entry in a coat type class to win first, second, and third placements to achieve the show’s Best All-Around.
The Best Canine Stylist in Show in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles
*The competitor with the Best Free Style - Poodle Trim Style in Show
* Finalist for Best in Show Finalist for Best Canine Stylists in the World in Free Style - PoodleTrim Styles!
The individual competitor can compete in one or all classes to win Best in Show.
The individual competitor may submit more than one entry in a Free Style - Poodle class to achieve a first, second, or third placement to be eligible for Best Free Style - Poodle Groomer in the Show.
The Best All-Around Canine Stylist in Show in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles
*The competitor with the highest placements wins Best All Around!
* Finalist for Best in Show Finalist for Best Canine Stylists in the World in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles!
To be eligible for Best All-Around in Show, the individual competitor must compete in all four Free Style - Poodle Classes.
The individual competitor may submit more than one entry in trim style classes. The highest placements are utilized from each class to calculate the Best All-Around Competitor in the Show.
Team Entry

Best Team in Show Competitions
Free Style Competition Entry (Four Team Members)
Compete with a pure breed or a mixed breed to achieve the Free Style Trim Styles. ​
*Total of 6 entries.
The Best Team in Show in Free Style Trim Styles
Each team member must compete in all four Free Style coat type classes.
Each team member must compete in two options in the Poodle class.
The Best All-Around Team in Show in Free Style Trim Styles
Each team member must compete in all four Free Style coat type classes.
Each team member must compete in two options in the Poodle class.
The Best Team in Show in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles
The team members must compete in four Free Style - Poodle Classes to be eligible for Best Team in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles in Show. *Finalist for Best in Show Finalist for Best Team in Free Style - Poodle Trim Styles!
Class Placements

Free Style Classes
Multitude of Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Free Style trims for pure breeds and mixed breeds with the following coat types.
Drop Coat Types
Bearded Collie
Biewer Terrier
Chinese Crested, Hairless
Chinese Crested, Powder Puff
Coton de Tulear
Lhasa Apso
Old English Sheepdog
Polish Lowland Sheep Dog
Shih Tzu
Silky Terrier
Skye Terrier
Tibetan Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Nordic Coat Types
Alaskan Malamute
Czechoslovakian Vlcak
Finnish Spitz
Icelandic Sheepdog, Short-haired
Kai Ken
Karelian Bear Dog
Kishu Ken
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Lundehund
Shiba Inu
Siberian Husky
Rough Coat Types
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Tervuren
Collie, Rough
Great Pyrenees
Pyrenean Shepherd
Shetland Sheepdog
Tibetan Mastiff
Nordic Rough Coat Types​
American Eskimo Dog
Chow Chow, Rough
Finnish Lapphund
German Spitz
Icelandic Sheepdog, Long-haired
Swedish Lapphund
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Multitude of Coat Type Classes
Option 2: Free Style trims for pure breeds and mixed breeds with the following coat types.
​Medium Long Coats
Australian Shepherd
Bernese Mountain Dog
Border Collie
Caucasian Ovcharka
Chihuahua, Long Coat
Dachshund, Long Haired
Estrela Mountain Dog
Japanese Chin
Miniature American Shepherd
Russian Toy
Saint Bernard
Slovensky Cuvac
Tibetan Spaniel
Golden Retriever
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Sporting Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Sporting Jacket - Free Style trims for pure breeds and mixed breeds with the following coat types.
Boykin Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Clumber Spaniel
Drentsche Patrijshond
English Cocker Spaniel
English Springer Spaniel
English Setter
English Toy Spaniel
Field Spaniel
Flat-Coated Retriever
German Longhaired Pointer
Gordon Setter
Irish Setter
Red and White Springer Spaniel
Springer Spaniel
Option 2: Sporting Saddle - Free Style trims for pure breeds and mixed breeds with the following coat types.
Cocker Spaniel
Afghan Hound
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Wire Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Free Style trims for the following short-legged pure breeds and mixed breeds with wire coat types.
Australian Terrier
Berger Picard
Border Terrier
Brussels Griffon
Cairn Terrier
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Dachshund -Wire Haired
Glen Imaal Terrier
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Jack Russell Terrier
Norfolk Terrier
Norwich Terrier
Parson Russell Terrier
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
West Highland Terrier​
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Option 2: Free Style trims for the following long-legged pure breeds and mixed breeds with wire coat types.
​Airedale Terrier
Belgian Laekenois
German Wire Pointer
Ibizan Hound, Wirehaired
Irish Terrier
Irish Wolfhound
Lakeland Terrier
Schnauzer ( Miniature - Standard - Giant )
Scottish Deerhound
Spinone Italiano
Welsh Terrier
Wire Fox Terrier
​Vizsla, Wirehaired
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Curly Coat Type Class
Option 1: Stylized - Free Style trims for the following pure breeds and mixed breeds with curly coat types and similar characteristics.
Bichon Frise
Bouvier des Flandres
Irish Water Spaniel
Kerry Blue Terrier
Lagotto Romagnolo
Portuguese Water Dog Retriever Trim
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier​
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Option 2: Unique - Free Style trims for the following pure breeds and mixed breeds with curly coat types and similar characteristics.
Bedlington Terrier
Black Russian Terrier
Cesky Terrier
Portuguese Water Dog Lion
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Poodle Class
​*Mixed breeds with curly coat types and Poodle characteristics are permitted to achieve Poodle Free Style Trims.
Option 1: Poodle Free Style Trims
Asian Free Style Trims
Option 2: Poodle Free Style Trims
​​Free Style Trims with Bands
Option 3: Poodle Free Style Trims
Salon Free Style Trims
Option 4: Poodle Free Style Trims
Unique Free Style Trims
Head Trim Styles
Multitude of Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Short - Smooth Coated Head Styles
Nordic Coat Types
Alaskan Malamute
Czechoslovakian Vlcak
Finnish Spitz
Icelandic Sheepdog, Short-haired
Kai Ken
Karelian Bear Dog
Kishu Ken
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Lundehund
Shiba Inu
Siberian Husky
Rough Coat Types
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Tervuren
Collie, Rough
Great Pyrenees
Pyrenean Shepherd
Shetland Sheepdog
Tibetan Mastiff
Nordic Rough Coat Types​
American Eskimo Dog
Chow Chow, Rough
Finnish Lapphund
German Spitz
Icelandic Sheepdog, Long-haired
Swedish Lapphund
​Medium Long Coats
Australian Shepherd
Bernese Mountain Dog
Border Collie
Caucasian Ovcharka
Chihuahua, Long Coat
Dachshund, Long Haired
Estrela Mountain Dog
Japanese Chin
Miniature American Shepherd
Russian Toy
Saint Bernard
Slovensky Cuvac
Tibetan Spaniel
Golden Retriever
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Multitude of Coat Type Classes
Option 2: Long and Flowing Head Styles
Drop Coat Types
Bearded Collie
Biewer Terrier
Chinese Crested, Hairless
Chinese Crested, Powder Puff
Coton de Tulear
Lhasa Apso
Old English Sheepdog
Polish Lowland Sheep Dog
Shih Tzu
Silky Terrier
Skye Terrier
Tibetan Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Sporting Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Sporting Head Styles - Pointers, Setters, and Retrievers
English Setter
Flat-Coated Retriever
German Longhaired Pointer
Gordon Setter
Irish Setter
Option 2: Sporting Head Trim Styles - Spaniels
Boykin Spaniel
Brittany Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Clumber Spaniel
Cocker Spaniel
Drentsche Patrijshond
English Cocker Spaniel
English Toy Spaniel
English Springer Spaniel
Field Spaniel
Red and White Springer Spaniel
Springer Spaniel
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Wire Coat Type Classes
Option 1: Wire Coat Types Head Trim Styles - Oval - Round - Unique
Australian Terrier
Berger Picard
Cairn Terrier
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Norfolk Terrier
Norwich Terrier
West Highland Terrier​
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Option 2: Wire Coat Types with Square - Rectangle Head Styles
​Airedale Terrier
Belgian Laekenois
Border Terrier
Brussels Griffon
Dachshund -Wire Haired
German Wire Pointer
Glen Imaal Terrier
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Ibizan Hound, Wirehaired
Irish Terrier
Irish Wolfhound
Jack Russell Terrier
Lakeland Terrier
Parson Russell Terrier
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Schnauzer ( Miniature - Standard - Giant )
Scottish Deerhound
Scottish Terrier
Sealyham Terrier
Spinone Italiano
Welsh Terrier
Wire Fox Terrier
​Vizsla, Wirehaired
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Curly Coat Type Class
Option 1: Curly Coat Type Class with Oval - Round - Unique Head Styles
Bedlington Terrier
Bichon Frise
Irish Water Spaniel
Lagotto Romagnolo
Portuguese Water Dog Retriever Trim
​Portuguese Water Dog Lion
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
Curly Coat Type Classes
Option 2: Curly Coat Type Class with Square - Rectangle and Corded Head Styles
Black Russian Terrier
Cesky Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier
Bouvier des Flandres
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
*Breeds with similar trims and coat types added to this Option.
*Mixed breeds with similar coat types and breed characteristics are permitted to achieve the pure breed trim style.
​*Mixed breeds with curly coat types with similar characteristics of the Poodle are allowed.
Option 1: Poodle with Show Head Trim Styles
English Saddle
Puppy 1
Puppy 2
Puppy AKC
Option 2: Poodle with Modified Show Head Trim Styles
T Clip
Modified Continental​​
Option 3: Poodle with Contest Head Trim Styles
Option 4: Poodle with Poodle Head with Shaved Neck Head Trim Styles
Banded Trim Desi
Banded Trim Dutch
Banded Trim Spiral
Banded Trim Sweetheart
Banded Trim Town and Country​
Class categories by coat type create an arena for competitors to implement the same technical skills. For example, pure breeds’ primary technical skills with wire coat types are hand stripping and clipping. Primary skills for curly coats are scissoring and clipping. Class categories by coat type place basic expressions and profiles together. For example, breeds with wire coat types typically require the same head styles, body styles, and skill levels.
Free Style Classes - Breed Standard Referenced for Trim Style Requirements
Competitors strive to create beautiful salon trim styles on pure breeds and mixed breeds and work their magic to create unique expressions and profiles on other pure breeds in free style classes. Judges evaluate competitors on their ability to achieve overall balance and symmetry. Judges consider if the trim is the right choice for the dog and coat type.
Primary & Secondary Technical Skills: Pure Breed and FreeStyle Classes
Primary technical skills are proper techniques required to promote healthy skin, coat texture, color, and finish for the coat type and typically applied to the show trim. Secondary technical skills are alternative techniques utilized to achieve a pet trim style. Primary and secondary skills may be scissoring, thinning, and clipping, or they may be carding, hand plucking, and hand stripping.
Conformation Show Trims
Conformation show trims are styles exhibited in the conformation ring that vary slightly from country to country and from region to region. Proper technical skills are required to achieve the show trim style.
Pet Trim Styles
Pet trims are styles encountered in grooming salons. Pet trim styles vary from country to country and from region to region. A variety of technical skills required to achieve a pet trim style.
Products are allowed on the coat to create texture and volume and to hold the hair in place.
Coat Coloring Permitted Free Styles Classes
Coloring permitted to enhance free style trims.
Decorative Coat Art Permitted
Hair extensions and decorative coat art such as bows, beads, and glitter allowed to enhance free style trims
This class includes all pure breeds and mixed breeds with the many coat types not included in the wire, sporting, and curly coat type class categories. This class category is perfect for the novice to start competitions in free style trims that are typically created every day in the salon.
Remember, no conformation trim styles allowed!. For example, a Pomeranian in a show trim not permitted, but a Pomeranian in a Lion Trim permitted. To confirm the correct class go to the IJA Pure Breeds, Time Frames, and Classes Chart.
Coat Types
Short Coat Types
Smooth Coat Types
Medium Smooth Coat Types
Medium Long Coat Types
Nordic Coat Types
Nordic Rough Coat Types
Rough Coat Types
Drop Coat Types (Hairless)
Exceptions to the Rule
Pure breeds placed in different coat type classes due to technical skills and trim styles,
This class includes pure breeds and mixed breeds with sporting, sporting saddle coat types. Examples of pure breeds included in this class are the Irish Setter, Springer Spaniel, and Cocker Spaniel. Now is the time to show off the creative free style trims created every day in the salon for the Cocker Spaniel and come up with new ideas for the other sporting coat types.
Coat Types:
Sporting Saddle
Medium Long
Exceptions to the Rule
Specific pure breeds are in different coat type classes due to the trim styles. Reference the IJA Pure Breeds Coat Type and Classes Chart.
Free style trims for the wire coat types is a challenge for all groomers. This class includes all pure breeds and mixed breeds with broken, scruffy, or tight wire coat types that require hand stripping techniques for the show trim and clipping techniques for the alternative for pet trims. Examples of breeds included in this class are the West Highland White Terrier, Wire Haired Dachshund, and the Irish Wolfhound. Show fun and cute free style trims on pets encountered in the salon.
Coat Types:
Tight Wire
Scruffy Wire
Exceptions to the Rule
Pure breeds placed in different coat type classes due to technical skills and trim styles,
This class includes all pure breeds with curly coat types, except for the Poodle, that requires scissoring the coat to create the proper expression and profile. Examples of breeds included in this class are the Bichon Frise, Portuguese Water Dog, Irish Water Spaniel, and the Kerry Blue Terrier. IJA Pure Breeds, Time Frames, and Classes Online Reference.
Coat Types:
Tight Curly
Loose Curly
Rough Curly
Exceptions to the Rule
Specific pure breeds are in different coat type classes due to the trim styles. Reference the IJA Pure Breeds Coat Type and Classes Chart.
The free style Poodle Class is designed just for unique, different free style trims for Poodles and mixed breeds with similar characteristics. Poodles in a corded coat allowed.
Exceptions to the Rule: N/A
Qualification of the Competition Dog
It is the responsibility of competitors to determine if a dog is healthy enough.
Must be competition dog age
Mature enough but young enough to enjoy the competition.
The suggested age for competition dogs approximately (1) one year to (10) ten years.
Must show no signs of obvious pregnancy or nursing.
Must appear healthy, free of infectious diseases, and parasites and be physically able to stand on the grooming table for competition time frame and judging.
Entry Confirmation - Free Style Classes
Must be confirmed the dog entered in the correct class.
Pre-Judge Documentation
The judging panel documents the following about competition dogs.
Amount of coat growth.
Amount of pre-set coat growth pattern
Missing coat, ear infection, etc
Preparation of Competition Dog
Competitors evaluated on the preparation of the competition dog.
Judging Considerations
Skin and Coat Care - Coat freshly shampooed and dried, brushed, combed, and free of matts. Skin appears healthy, free of any skin irritations.
Hand stripped coat clean and dry, free of chalk and other products. Skin appears healthy, free of any skin irritations.
Ear Care - Ears cleaned. Ear hair, if any, clean and not matted. The area around the ear canal opening trimmed if required. No other trimming permitted.
Foot Care - Hair between the pads, if applicable for the breed, can be trimmed. Toenails trimmed and filed with a well-maintained appearance. No other trimming permitted.
Sanitary Care - Area around the rectum, genital, and stomach, if applicable, trimmed. No other trimming permitted.
Score and Rank
Specialist - Exceptional prep on skin and coat, eyes, ears, feet, and sanitary
Expert - Excellent prep on skin and coat, eyes, ears, feet, and sanitary.
Master - Perfect prep on skin and coat, eyes, ears, feet, and sanitary.
Novice - Good prep on the skin and coat, eyes, ears, feet, and sanitary
Skin and Coat Products
Competitors evaluated on product knowledge and application. Products create texture and volume, hold the coat in place, straighten, and prevent breaking the hair during brushing and combing.
They may be applied before, during the competition, and in the final presentations.
GOTO: IJA Products Safety Data Sheet
Judging Considerations - Products
Did competitors use the product correctly for the coat type? Did competitors enhance or hinder the texture of the coat from achieving the ultimate finish?
Score and Rank
Specialist - Product knowledge and application and knowledge of a Level 4
Expert - Product knowledge and application and knowledge of a Level 3
Master - Product application and experience of a Level 2
Novice - Product application and finish of a Level 1
Technical Finish
Competitors evaluated on the application of technical skills and technical finish. Clipping, snap-on-combs, vacuum grooming systems, scissoring, thinning, hand stripping, plucking, and carding techniques are permitted. Curling and flat irons are allowed. Singeing of the coat is not permitted. Go to: IJA Technical Skills Safety Data Sheet
Bathing Coat properly bathed.
Drying Coat dried correctly.
Brushing Coat brushed correctly.
Combing Coat combed correctly.
Hand Stripping Coat properly hand stripped no bare spots or skin irritations.
Plucking Coat even with no bare spots.
Carding Coat even with no bare spots or skin irritations.
Clipping Coat smooth without tracks. Clipper lines sharp and precise.
Thinning Coat blended on transition lines - bulk thinned to reduce volume.
Scissoring Coat scissored smooth with precise lines.
Judging Considerations
Did the competitor maintain proper body position during technical applications?
Did the competitor maintain the proper body position of the pet during technical applications?
Did the competitor use all tools properly?
Did the competitor choose the right tool for the job?
Did the competitor use proper technique with scissors, thinners, and clippers?
Did the competitor apply all technical skills with safety?
Score and Rank
Specialist - Technique, application, and finish of a Level 4 Competitor
Expert - Technique, application, and finish of a Level 3 Competitor
Master - Technique, application, and finish of a Level 2 Competitor
Novice - Technique, application, and finish of a Level 1 Competitor
Expression and Profile - Free Style Classes
Competitors evaluated on overall expression and profile created on the competition dog when viewed from the front, rear, side, and top of the competition dog.
Competitors evaluated on the creativity of the design on a mixed breed or pure breed. Is it unique?
Judging Considerations:
Did the competitor achieve the expression and profile best suited for the individual dog?
Did the competitor achieve the expression and profile of a pure breed on a mixed breed?
Did the competitor achieve a unique trim style?
Did the competitor achieve balance?
Did the competitor achieve symmetry?
Did the competitor correct structure faults?
Score and Rank
Specialist - Expression and profile achievements of a Level 4 Competitor
Expert - Expression and profile achievements of a Level 3 Competitor
Master - Expression and profile achievements of a Level 2 Competitor
Novice - Expression and profile achievements of a Level 1 Competitor
Degree of Difficulty - Length of Coat
Competitors are evaluated on the length of the coat or the number of weeks since the last grooming to determine the degree of difficulty.
2 - 4 weeks of coat growth
2 - 4 weeks of coat growth
4 - 6 weeks of coat growth
6 - 8 weeks of coat growth
8 - 10 weeks of coat growth
10 - 12 weeks of coat growth
Over 12 weeks of coat growth
Degree of Difficulty - Pre Set Pattern
Competitors evaluated on the percent of the profile created before and during competition. The competitor must make a distinct change in the dog's overall appearance when viewed from the front, side, rear, and top.
Judging Considerations
100% Expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
75% Expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
50% Overall expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
25% Overall expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
Score and Rank
Specialist - 100% Expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
Expert - 75% Expression and profile achieved during the competition time frame
Master - 50% Overall expression and profile achieved during the time frame
Novice - 25% Overall expression and profile achieved during the time frame
Degree of Difficulty - Intricacy of Trim Style
Competitors evaluated on the intricacy and difficulty of the trim style
Achieved intricate and challenging trim style design
Achieved advanced and complicated trim style design
Achieved moderate trim with moderate difficulty to achieve the trim style
Achieved average trim style with an average design
Score and Rank
Specialist - Created design and achieved the degree of difficulty of a specialist.
Expert - Created design and achieved the degree of difficulty of an expert.
Master - Created design and achieved the degree of difficulty of a master.
Novice - Created design and achieved the degree of difficulty of a novice.
Presentation to the Judges
Competitors must prepare for the final presentation photos to the judges and audience.
The table must be clean and free of hair and tools.
Competitors must present the competition dog to judges for final evaluations.
Judging Considerations
Did the competitor clean the table and remove all tools?
Did the competitor organize the overall workspace to appear professional?
Did the competitor achieve a professional presentation?
Did the competitor present the competition dog properly?
Did the competitor stack the dog properly?
Did the competitor prepare the dog for profile evaluations after the technical evaluation?
Score and Rank
Overall workstation and presentation of a specialist!
Overall workstation and presentation of an expert!
Overall workstation and presentation of a master!
Overall workstation and presentation of a novice!
Competitors are judged from start to finish on professionalism.
Judging Considerations
Image - Did the competitor present a picture-perfect image at all times in all photos with facial and body language showing a passion for the art of bathing, grooming, and styling man's best friend?
Rapport - Did the competitor display excellent rapport with the competition dog and exhibit professional handling at all times to create a professionally poised competitor and competition dog?
Sportsmanship - Did competitors present a professional sportsmanship performance treating all competitors and competition dogs with kindness to promote a calm, composed online competitive environment.
Safety - Did the competitor present and promoted safety for the professional and the competition dog when applying technical skills with no skin irritation?
Score and Rank
Specialist in the art of styling man's best friend with professionalism!
Expert in the art of styling man's best friend with professionalism!
Master in the art of styling man's best friend with professionalism!
Novice in the art of styling man's best friend with professionalism!