Rescue Me Competitions Goes to a GroomBowl Team Event
​Vivian Nash, the Nash Academy Dog Grooming School, and IJA recognized that many rescue competitions were designed for experienced competitors. Therefore, they only accepted coated dogs that the seasoned competitor could style.
“I wanted to make a difference,” says Vivian Nash when creating the rules for the IJA rescue competition. So I worked on a ring for all coat types with Denika Cluett, a marketing specialist and a very successful Nash graduate. We placed the dogs in categories by coat types which put them by job position to create a competitive arena for everyone.”
Short and Sassy Class designed for Bathers
Furry and Fabulous Class designed for Groomers
Stacked and Styled Class designed for Stylists
Our rescue events are amazing, and our competitors feel great about getting in the ring with their rescue dog for their skill set, but the Rescue Me Competition just got even better for the 2021 IJA Show at the Pittsburgh Pet Expo!
Tanya Slater, daughter of Vivian and John Nash, flipped the famous IJA Rescue Me Competition to a Groom Bowl Team Event to make the ring for sheltered pets safer and more fun for everyone!
“Competitions for sheltered pets are very different from the pure breed and creative styling events,” says Tanya Slater. "They work with dogs with no prior experience in grooming, and they are in an environment with people they do not know. Competitors must first build a bond before starting the grooming, so having a team will make a difference in the IJA Rescue Me Arena."
About the Rescue Me Competition Teams
IJA will confirm the number of rescue groups interested and competitors interested in forming teams. Contact us at
Rescue Groups - Pittsburgh Area
Thanks, rescue groups, for partnering with us over the years, and we look forward to seeing you at our first team event at the Pittsburgh Pet Expo this year.
Thank You Sponsors
The IJA Rescue Me Competition arena is one of the most compassionate in the industry, thanks to our sponsors who make our ring Earth Heart Canine Calm and Happy Hoodie Time Relaxing.
Sonya Patterson with Groom N Zoom, we can't do this without you and your vans! You are wonderful.
Thanks to sponsors who gift competitors with clippers, scissors, shampoo, and more for their dedication to finding homes for sheltered pets.
IJA Competitors and Judges
Big time thanks to our dedicated IJA competitors and judges who support the IJA Rescue Me competitions to find homes for rescue dogs.
The first IJA Sanctioned Rescue Me Competition was conducted at the Pittsburgh Pet Expo and was a huge success. Pet families watched and were amazed at the compassion and how the pets reacted to the belly rubs, ear scratches, and grooming.
We have certainly made a difference over the years! With this new concept, all of our competitors are given a fair chance to be all they can be, and we think the dogs will also agree!